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Economy 10/07/2024 Territory of FEZ Qoqand to be expanded
Territory of FEZ Qoqand to be expanded

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- A Presidential resolution “On measures to expand the territory of the free economic zone “Qoqand” has been adopted.

According to the resolution, in order to create capacities for the production of import-substituting and export-oriented products in Fergana region, the territory of the Free Economic Zone Qoqand (FEZ Qoqand) will be expanded by 210.4 hectares of land, which are part of the reserve lands of the Khokimiyat of the city of Kuvasay.

A master plan for the expanded territory of FEZ Qoqand will be developed and approved. In this regard:

- The unitary enterprise "Directorate of the Free Economic Zone 'Qoqand'" will be designated as the client organization for the development of the master plan;

- The design organization for the development of the master plan project will be determined through tender (competitive) bidding.

By the end of 2026, the expanded territory of FEZ Qoqand will secure investments of at least US$1 billion, create more than 11.7 thousand new jobs, and ensure the launch of production capacities for additional products worth US$965 million per year, including US$313.6 million in export-oriented products.

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