Representatives of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, governmental institutions, NGOs as well as journalists in the event.
Uzbekistan ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1995. The Convention clearly determines gender issues and implementation of these statues is an effective tool for achievement of equality between women and men.
By ratifying the Convention, each state should submit in determined terms their periodical reports to the corresponding committee of the UN on measures carried out to implement the Convention statues.
The CEDAW Convention adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly is an international document on the rights of women. Uzbekistan was one of the first Central Asian countries to ratify the convention in 1995. It has reported four times to the CEDAW Committee on its implementation.
After Uzbekistan submitted its report in 2006, the CEDAW Committee gave its final recommendations. The national action plan for implementation of those recommendations into practice was approved in December 2007.
At the rpund-table, participants considered implementation of the Convention, achievement and shortages in implementation of national plan, determined plans for future. Participants shared their recommendations on improvement of further activities.
UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Kyoko Postill said: “In line with a number of achievements, we must keep in mind that the work aimed at women’s rights realization should be continued. The process of implementation of NPA in Uzbekistan should be systematic, the efforts of the state and society should be directed to solving of a number of pending issues, such as:
The UNDP project “Legislative and Institutional Capacity Development for Women’s Empowerment in Uzbekistan” is implemented in collaboration with the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan. The project is aimed at supporting and building capacity of the government, civil society and mass media in reducing the gender gaps via raising awareness on and implementing the recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW Committee) to Uzbekistan given in August 2006.