According to the opinion of Essential Investments’ analysts such a huge fall should not trouble investors because average price of this issuer is US$11-15. But the day’s quotes fall to US$8 and it is a maximum fall since 2007. According to the results of 2007 the book value of the share is US$17.38. It should be mentioned that it is about 4 times less than in 2006.
There was no quotes growth during the day. Common stocks of Kuvasaycement (major stockholders are Rayblock Limited, Raybird Limited and Raycross, who own 30.21%, 30.21% and 29.06% respectively), which lost 0.42%, had the smallest fall. Common stocks of Avtotehhizmat-F (Motor technical service-F), Kurgontepa don mahsulotlari (Kurgontepa grain-crop products) and Fargona nasilli parranda fell in price by 0.80% each.
There were no significant purchases during the day. The passivity of investors was evidenced by the fact that the most active campaign of the day was purchasing of securities of Kurgontepa don mahsulotlari, volume of the deal was only 848 shares. The fall of investors’ activity correspondingly led to the fall of total turnover. While last week trade turnover of the day made about US$100,000 on average, this week total turnover made a little more than US$10,000.
In industrial context the trading structure was divided among three industries: construction material production, food production and others. The first place was occupied by construction material production sector, whose share was 56.43%. Food producers took the second place with the share of 41.71% in trade turnover.