In line with the decision of shareholders, 1.481 billion soums will be directed to formation of Preferential Crediting Fund and 415.5 million soums to Reserve Fund of General Purpose.
Uzpromstroybank will also direct 3.776 billion soums for dividends payment and 228.6 million soums for development of the bank’s infrastructure. At the same time, the bank directed 944 million soums to pay dividends on preferential shares and 2.832 billion soums on ordinary shares.
The bank will pay 59 soums per ordinary share and 472 soums per preferential share with nominal value of 2,360 soums.
Shareholders adopted decision to increase charter capital of the bank by 5.75 billion soums to raise charter capital through increasing par value of the share. The bank directed 3.89 billion soums of 2009 net income and 1.859 billion soums from retained income to this purpose.