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Technologies 10/01/2013 Ucell CEO pays visit to Ferghana Valley
Ucell CEO pays visit to Ferghana Valley
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- Starting from November 2012 CEO of Ucell Ali Agan alongside with company Top-Managers launched business tradition to visit regions of Uzbekistan with clear target to closely study the situation in the regions and receive information from first hands.

First business visit was held to Ferghana Valley - Ferghana, Andijan and Namangan regions, in order to personally get to know the activity of company, relevant problems and perspectives of further development of mobile communication in this region.

During the visit Ali Agan met with the representatives of municipalities, dealers, entrepreneurs and subscribers of the company. This kind of visits allows the heads of company to get directly acquainted with the state of affairs in the subdivisions of company, arrangement of works in dealer networkss, as well as to listen the ideas of subscribers, their remarks and wills.

"We are not here to advertise our company services, praise and convince. Our goal is to learn from our dealers existing problems and find solutions together", - Ali Agan said in the meetings with all regional dealers.

Ucell pays rapt attention to the work with subscribers in the provinces, and is continuously expanding coverage zones. Last year this index grew up to 40% and nowadays the network covers almost all territories of Uzbekistan. One of the large and as of very important, densely-populated regions is Ferghana valley with over 8.5 million people. In line of this the activity of Ucell takes a main role in this region. Company permanently works on improving the quality of communication, client services and modernization of base stations.

During the visit Ali Agan was well surprised by the conducted big creative works led in regions on progressive development of all business branches and main role of mobile companies in creating cutting-edge multi-functional communication system. In its turn, representatives of governmental bodies expressed the willingness to all-kinds uphold the development of business in Ferghana Valley based on state program to support the improvement of telecommunication sphere. Ali Agan shared the plans of some projects related to IT-technologies, in particular further development of mobile banking, new innovation projects which will be implemented by the company in the regions.

"We are studying specifics of every region of Uzbekistan and our business-goal will be based on unique approach to each region. In this reason, I am personally visiting and want to make sure that strategy of TeliaSonera being international brand but work locally is well-oriented and positively appreciated by regional population ", - Ucell CEO commented his goal at the meeting with the representatives of khokimiyats (municipalities).

One of the important subjects of the visit of Ucell management became the development of dealer's network. They sincerely thanked all dealers that are working in the regions of Uzbekistan for their adherence to the brand, their tough work and results indicated last year. Ali Agan promised that work conditions for all partners of company will get better in coming 6 month. At the moment, company reconsiders the system of financial incentives for the dealers, their technical re-equipment, and supply with sufficient scratch-cards own offices of the company in the regions, as well as simplifying the procedures of subscribing.

During this visit new dealer office was opened in the city of Kokand, as well as new official Ucell office was put into operation.

Besides business part of the visit, Ali Agan voiced such ideas as to hold sport events between telecommunication staff, opportunity to get practical skills for the students of higher education institutions, participation of the company in the development of Eco-c tourism.

At the meeting with company staff in the regions Ali Agan said: "Familiarity of top-managers with the issues brings to the point of making more operative and mainly right decisions. I promise that from now on this kind of visits will be held permanently".

In coming future Mr. Ali Agan plans to visit Samarkand, Navoi and Bukhara regions.

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