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Technologies 04/06/2009 Training on ICT in public administration held
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Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- A training course on “Application of ICT in Public Administration” was held in Tashkent on 2-3 June. Aiming at raising awareness of state workers on various concepts and developments, world trends in Information Communication Technologies, it engaged around 40 representatives of different state establishments of the Tashkent Region, regional branches, various agencies, as well as some local production ventures.

This training was a logical extension of the ICT trainings delivered previously by the Communications and Information Agency of Uzbekistan and the “Assisting the Government of Uzbekistan in the formulation and implementation of ICT for development policy” Project of UNDP. It differs from the earlier ones with a greater emphasis on practical sessions that should give the participants some hands-on experience.

As a matter of fact, similar trainings had been held earlier for the khokimiyats’ representatives in such regions as Syrdarya, Samarkand, Horezm, Navoi, Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya in cities of Karshi, Termez, Gulistan, Djizzak, Nukus, Bukhara,and other cities of the Republic.

According to one of the organizing team members, Bokhodir Ayupov, effectiveness of similar ICT trainings cannot be traced immediately and is expected to be observed in the long run: “We hope that our ICT trainings yield significant results in the future and help the participants in their professional endeavors.

One of the training participants from Fergana, Ergashev Khushnud, expressed his accolades for the way the training had been organized and noted “I’ve been particularly interested in topics of ICT development, electronic-digital signature, familiarization with the Center of Information Technologies under the Khokimiyat of Bukhara Region. I gladly note that I have particularly benefited throughout the training by gaining some practical skills. I would also like to add that these trainings create and present good opportunities for sharing best practice and experience among colleagues.

Among the main topics covered during this training course were “The main decrees and legal documents adopted in the RUz on ICT”, “E-government”, “Basics of electronic signature”, “The international experience of implementing e-government”, “Problems of information security”, and others related to ICT.

Special care has been taken to engage in this training only those experts that have practical experience in implementing the components of the E-government in Uzbekistan. The participants are then offered to take tests that should help them review the training materials.

Upon completion of the training, the participants received special certificates.

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