"All the detainees are residents of the Hojaabad district of the Andijan region, which is the birthplace of Kamolitdin Matkasymov, who blew himself up in Andijan on 26 May. His identity was determined based on DNA analysis," the source said.
The investigation believes that Matkasymov, born in 1982, had come under the influence of religious extremists and underwent special training in terrorist camps in Pakistan. Having settled later in Astana, Kazakhstan, he started actively recruiting his fellow-countrymen working there for his cause.
"By promising good pays, he lured ten people from his village to Kazakhstan. After the new recruits arrived in Astana, they were brainwashed and forced to take an oath. Then they were given instructions, which included the delivery of banned literature in electronic form to Andijan. They have all been detained and are giving testimony now," the source said.
The bombing in Andijan on 26 May killed one policeman and injured several other people. Earlier the same day, several gunmen had attacked a police checkpoint at the entrance to Hanabad, the Andijan region, using an explosive device. One policeman and one attacker received injuries in an ensuing exchange of fire.