Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) - Over the past year, travelers on average spent 62,051 sums per flight for flights.
The cheapest ticket was for a flight from Ferghana to Tashkent, only 139 711 soums per economy class, and the most expensive flight from Tashkent to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - 10 802 966 soums. Aviasales.uz search engine shared such data by analyzing reservations for 2019.
Most often, Uzbeks traveled in the summer, and it cost them the most - the average check for a ticket was 2,183,568 soums. In winter, flying is the cheapest, on average, the flight costs 1,802,639 soums, while in the spring – 1,999,433 soums, and in the autumn on average – 2,006,292.
Interestingly, the most popular destination remains unchanged throughout the year - Russia. Further consumer preferences of travelers change depending on the season. In spring, summer and autumn Kazakhstan is in second place, but in winter they fly to South Korea more often.