Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) -- For many years, Tashkent has been hosting one of the stages of the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup. This year is no exception, in which the best graces of the planet will traditionally visit the capital. The second stage of the World Cup will take place from 15 to 17 April.
According to the press service of the Uzbekistan Gymnastics Federation, applications for participation in the competitions were received from 15 countries. These are: Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, Great Britain, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, New Zealand, Slovenia, USA and Uzbekistan. In the upcoming important high-ranking competitions, the honor of Uzbekistan will be defended by the following athletes:
Individual exercises:
Sabina Tashkenbayeva
Takhmina Ikromova
Group exercises:
Shahzada Ibragimova
Nargiza Jumaniyazova
Nilyufar Azamova
Mumtoza Ishakzoda
Maria Pak
Khurshida Abduraufova.
It is worth noting that in the current Olympic cycle, a new set of rules in refereeing has been defined, requiring more complex programs from gymnasts. Also, the subjects in group exercises have changed. In the new cycle, this is an exercise with 5 hoops, as well as with 3 ribbons and 2 balls.