The aim of the training is to prepare specialists of social agencies and employment support centers to work with people with disabilities (PWDs) and help them build capacities and increase their employment opportunities.
Over 30 specialist are invited to participate in the training that will cover topics of disability models; current legislations in Uzbekistan that define and regulate employment issues for PWDs, techniques of effective employment of PWDs. Participants are expected to share their experience of working with PWDs, analyze existing stereotypes in the relations and attitudes, and initiate activities such as job-fairs, clubs for job seekers and others to involve more PWDs into social life.
The event is organized in the framework of the ACCESS project jointly implemented by UNDP Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan. ACCESS (Accessibility Civic Consciousness Employment Social Support) is aimed at expanding opportunities for social integration and employment for PWDs through raising public awareness and forming positive public opinion on the issues of disability; improving coordination and building capacity of state and non-state actors in promotion of implementation of disability legislation; promoting accessibility of social infrastructure objects; creating a system of social support and employment of PWDs.