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Uzbekistan 12/05/2008 Russian president congratulates CIS leaders on Victory Day
The Kremlin’s press service said Medvedev said in his message to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev: "Both Russia and Azerbaijan keep cherished memory of the deed of the heroes who gave their life for freedom and independence of the Motherland. I am convinced that the lessons of that horrible war binds us to consolidate the traditionally strong neighbourly relations between Russia and Azerbaijan for good of our countries peoples in the interests of stability and security in the region".

Medvedev said in his congratulations on the Victory Day to Armenian President Serzh Sarkisyan: "I am convinced that the time-tested Russian-Armenian friendship will further serve as a basis for the consistent deepening of strategic partnership and multi-faceted cooperation between our countries".

To Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko: "The May 9 day is a glorious date of our common history. It will remain forever a symbol of inflexible courage and unexampled heroism of our peoples, who saved their country and the world from Nazism. The duty of the present-day generations is to carefully keep cherished memory of the fallen in that horrible war and to use all possibilities for the further consolidation of multifaceted Russian-Belarusian ties. I am convinced that Russia and Belarus will further strengthen the potential of strategic partnership and develop bilateral relations for good of the two people of the two countries."

Medvedev also congratulated Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili:

"May 9 will forever remain a symbol of unity ad unexampled heroism of our peoples, who fought fascism shoulder to shoulder at battlefields and who selflessly worked at the home front for the sake of the Victory."

To President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan: "For four long years our peoples shoulder to shoulder defended the freedom and independence of our Motherland and made a decisive contribution in the defeat of fascism. Unfading glory of heroes of battles and home front workers is a heritage of our common history, a high spiritual and ethic bearing for the further consolidation of Russian-Kazakhstani friendship, good neighbourliness and strategic partnership."

Medvedev sent a message to Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, which said: "May 9 will forever remain a symbol of heroism of our peoples, who fought at the war battlefields in a common array. They defended the Motherland from the fascist threat and saved Europe from enslavement. I am sure that friendship tempered by the trials of war years will serve to further development of relations of partnership and cooperation between Russia and Kyrgyzstan, and will be an example for the current and future generations".

To Moldova’s President Vladimir Voronin: "Memory of those who showed unexampled heroism and self-sacrifice in the struggle against Nazism is sacredly honoured in Russia and Moldova. I am convinced unity and greatness of spirit that were demonstrated by our peoples in the war years will always serve as an example for the current and future generations".

Medvedev sent a message to Tajik President Emomali Rakhmon. "The peoples of Russia and Tajikistan withstood the Nazi threat, and endured all tribulations that fell to their lot. I am convinced that the brotherhood tempered in the war years is a reliable basis for onward development of good neighbourly relations between our states," he said.

Medvedev said in congratulatory to Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov: "Valour and heroism of the generation of victors who defended at battlefields the freedom and independence of the Motherland will forever remain in hearts of grateful descendants. Our peoples went together the difficult paths of the Great Patriotic War. Memory of this great deed calls on us to consolidate ties of friendship, develop partnership and cooperation between Russia and Turkmenistan".

The Russian president also addressed Uzbek President Islam Karimov.

"On this momentous day we pay a tribute of respect to unexampled heroism of the war veterans and workers of the home front, who saved the Motherland from fascist enslavement. Their courage, endurance and unity are a worthy example for the present-day generation of citizens of our countries. I am sure that friendship between our peoples tempered in the harsh war years will further serve as a solid basis for consistent consolidation of strategic partnership and cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan."

"We shall never forget at what dear cost we won the Victory, and we shall always remember the invaluable contribution of the Ukrainian people to the common cause of defeating fascism. In memory of those who never returned from battlefields it is necessary to oppose by joined efforts any attempts to whitewash the crimes of Nazis and to question the liberation mission of the Soviet army," Medvedev said in his message to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.
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