The event was organized within the framework of the joint project of UNDP and the Ministry of Economy entitled “Strengthening the national capacities for technology transfer”. The project envisages the implementation of three major activities: assessment and preliminary technical assistance with regard to the capacities of the Agency for Transfer of Technology, support in conducting the next Annual Innovation Fair, and the preparation of a Concept Note that will lay the ground for further assistance to the government of Uzbekistan in the area of innovation development.
Two international consultants - Mr. Victor Zakharian and Ms. Katy Lawrence - made the presentation and facilitated the Round-table. As was noted during the round-table, recently moved under the Ministry of Economy, the Agency is currently undergoing institutional restructuring. The round-table participants discussed the current role of ATT, the new expectations from the government given ATT’s new mandate, generic functions of technology transfer agencies, their organization structure, funding options, transparency issues and so forth. Based on the discussion of current capacities of the Agency, its relations with other institutions and organizations, issues and obstacles, the international consultants will prepare a needs assessment report of the Agency. The report will then be incorporated into the Concept Note mentioned above and will contain recommendations on requirements for further technical assistance to the Agency.