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Uzbekistan 22/06/2007 President Karimov visits Namangan and Andijan regions

On 21 June President Karimov visited Namangan and Andijan regions with the aim of familiarizing with the course of socioeconomic reforms being implemented in the regions, UzA reported.

The Head of state examined the results of the reconstruction works at the Namangan Airport. With the completion of all construction and repair works, it will be given the title of an international airport. Major repair works have already been completed in the waiting halls. The air traffic management and control system has been renewed.

President Karimov shared his ideas about turning the airport into an air harbour, which would comply with the international standards and modern requirements with a high quality service and all the conveniences for the passengers, and gave appropriate directions to the responsible officials on the quality completion of the planned works in time.

Located in Turakurgan district of Namangan region, Cotton Scientific Research Institute of Uzbekistan is one of the largest scientific centres and leading research institutions in selection and refinement of cotton seeds, efficient use of land and water resources, development of crop rotation systems for improvement of soil fertility, and development of agro-technology. The institution has developed the winter sort of wheat – Turakurgan-I, including the state register in 2005. The staff of the centre is now testing the new cotton growths – Turakurgan-1, Turakurgan-2, Turakurgan-3.

At the Centre, the Head of State spoke to a group of scientists and farmers, learned about the conditions of their work and life. President Karimov noted on the need to pay great attention to raising the role and status of women in the family, activating their participation in socio-political processes.

"If a woman feels happy, the whole family is happy," President Karimov said. "Our people show special love and care towards children. All of our dreams and hopes we associated with the future of our sons and daughters."

The President emphasized that special importance should be given to the improvement of the living standards of rural residents.

"Development of living conditions in rural areas is directly associated with the development of farmers’ movement, entrepreneurship and private business. There are quite a few farmers, entrepreneurs in Namangan region, who are capable of contributing to the bright future of our country, of supporting the nation," he said.

The total number of farmers in the region has reached nearly 13,000 people. Unprofitable, loss-making collective farms have been fully liquidated. It is main private farmers who grow agricultural products in the region.

Namangan farmers cultivate approximately 200,000 hectares of land. Cotton is grown on over 103,000 hectares. Currently grain products are being harvested on some 74,300 hectares.

"In reforming the agricultural industry, we have chosen a path which has proved efficient in many developed countries – the path of farming," said the President. "Life is confirming its correctness, positive results are obvious. This is particularly confirmed by the fact that the share of farms in the cotton production in Namangan region has totaled 82%, and in grain-growing – 86%.

"I have been in the farming business for over 10 years," said the Head of the Toshkent Farm (Kasansay district) Karimahon Babahanova. "I was a regular countrywoman. After becoming a farmer I have seen the world; I’ve been to many countries. Our business owns 83 hectares of land. Last year we made a net profit of over 32 million soums. Now we plan to diversify our business, and open a sewing workshop."

"Thanks to the farming business I was able to send my children to colleges, help them establish themselves in life. Now the children are helping me. Our land is located in a steppe, and the soil fertility is relatively low. But we keep the chin up," said the head of the Yusuf-Bobo Farm (Mingbulak district) Hakimjon Yusupov.

President Karimov noted on the need to provide benefits to farmers who work on low fertility lands.

If the farmers, not limiting themselves to crop farming only, also pay attention to other spheres, such as cattle breeding, their incomes may rise. This is clearly seen at the example of the Chashamai Safed Farm (Kasansai district), managed by Hamidjon Muydinhojaev.

"We have 216 hectares of land," Muydinhojaev said. "We mainly do cattle breeding, and currently have about 600 cattle heads. Annual production makes up over 2,000 litres of milk, which we process using modern technology."

The Head of State emphasized the need to spread the experience and best practices of this type of farms, and provide assistance to others in setting up the processing of the primary product.

"We should provide wider opportunities for the development of other spheres of entrepreneurial activity to develop the provision of services in villages. Micro-creditbank should expand its activity in this direction," said the President.

Special attention is being paid in the country to healthcare reforms, raising health-awareness of the population, and improvement of the quality of medical services. In the Year of Social Protection, the scale of the initiatives in this direction has increased. New medical institutions, recreational facilities are being set up across the country.

President Karimov familiarized with the activity of one of such institutions in the city of Namangan, the Saydana Medical Centre. The centre has a laboratory, the departments of radiology, endomorphism, and cardiology.

The President also familiarized with the courseof construction and development works underway at the city’s Tinchlik square. The Head of state emphasized that the main square of the region’s centre should be a green zone and a favourite place for the citizens.

The second half of the day President Karimov spent in Andijan region.

During the meeting with farmers, regional authorities, heads of banks held at the field of the Ihlos Baraka Farm (Altinkul district), President Karimov asked questions about the current status of farmers’ movement in the region, if the residents of Andijan were feeling as land proprietors, about the achievements made and problems being faced by the farmers, etc.

Compared to other regions of the country, Andijan saw a belated but faster development of farming. In other words, the lands of Andijan have also found their proprietors.

Currently the total of 16,193 farms operate on the territory of the region, cultivating some 239,000 hectares of land. Farmers grow cotton, grains and other agricultural crops, confirming the correctness of the policy pursued in the region. In 2006, 64.3% of harvested cotton was contributed by farmers.

The crop farmers of the region have sown cotton on 113,000 hectares of land this year. They are planning to harvest some 349,700 tonnes of raw cotton. Grain-growers have sown crops on 75,400 hectares of land, and intended to harvest 453,700 tonnes of grains. They are now working hard to meet this target and have already gathered about 60% of the crops cultivated.

The members of the Namuna Ibrat Sarvari Farm (Jalakuduk district) managed by Sherali Nazarov work on 36 hectares. Last year they had a rich harvest of cotton and grains, and earned 41 million soums. Mr. Nazarov thanked the President, the initiator of the return of the land proprietorship right to the people, and integration of farming movement int eh country.

About 80 industrial enterprises operate on the territory of Andijan. Alisher Navoi JSC (Balykchi district) is one of them. The enterprise annually processes about 25 tonnesof cotton fibre and produces high quality cotton yarn. Last year, the enterprise expanded and employed extra 300 people. The company is now working toward further expansion of the production.

According to the head of the company Hayiboy Abdulhakimov, the use of new technology in the production ensures high quality of yarn produced, its internal and external market competitiveness. This, in turn, is an important contributing factor to raising the country’s exporting potential. Currently the enterprise supplies yarn to a number of countries in Europe, as well as Japan, South Korea and Russia.

Islam Karimov closely examined the activity of the enterprise. During the meeting with the workers he inquired on their living and working conditions.

Uzbek leader also visited the regional theatre of musical drama named after Babur, and spoke to its troupe.

"The fact that a regional theatre has such a beautiful building is an evidence of the strength of spiritual roots of our nation," said the President. "I am sure that the troupe of the theatre will portray our rich history, today’s great reforms and bright future in its interesting artistic productions, and will contribute to the spiritual growth of the whole nation, particularly the youth."

This visit closed President’s trip to Namangan and Andijan regions

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