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Uzbekistan 29/08/2007 President Karimov leads reform efforts
The following was contributed by the Uzbek Embassy in Seoul on the occasion of the country’s 16th anniversary of independence Sept. 1., The Korea Herald reported.

When the political and ideological dictatorship of a totalitarian regime was broken, a new democratic and secular civilization arose in struggle with an old obsolete ideology. As an epoch of national revival, the epoch of independence obviously had a need for Titans and, naturally, gave birth to Titans with strength of mind, passion and character, variety and erudition. By virtue of objective historical needs these Titans of mind become epoch-making, well-known figures. For sovereign Uzbekistan such a figure is Islam Karimov, who as a founder of the independent secular state, has defined a strategy of development of society toward a great democratic future.

Without fear, courageously and with extreme prowess he took the responsibility of the founder and the heavy burden of a transitional period of national revival. He has understood and realized well his important mission as Head of State, in the dramatic condition of the collapse of a totalitarian regime, and has bravely pushed the radical reconstruction and democratization of the party control system.

As early as 1990, Uzbekistan was a pioneer among the former Soviet republics and introduced a presidential system in the country, thus preventing the state will and persistency from causing a universal cataclysm and instability. The President has addressed complex problems which were settled courageously and heroically, directly confronting the dangerous threats of civil war and resolutely struggling against the anarchy plaguing the country at the end of 1980s. First of all it is a question of bloody conflicts on international ground which have taken place between Turk-Meskhets and Uzbeks, and Kyrghys and Uzbeks. Thanks to his persistence and resolve bloodshed in the region was prevented. This merit of the President of Uzbekistan was later objectively appreciated not only by heads of neighboring countries but also by the history of the transitional period.

Despite his critics the leader of Uzbekistan has brought his people to independence without victims and bloodshed, establishing a sovereign state and ensuring not revolutionary but evolutionary methods of national development under the principle, "never destroy the old house before you build a new one."

Taking the situation and the reins of government in hand, he does not put off problems, even pressing ones that hamper development and taking into account not only Uzbekistan as a sovereign state but also neighboring independent countries.

The leader of Uzbekistan believes that avoiding difficulties is much more dangerous than meeting challenges. People begin to distrust promises while the weak authority loses its face. The engine of the state machine - the executive power - begins to rattle as soon as someone tries to start it. In such conditions the people cannot further rely on either the force of law or the fairness of ruling authority, but trust only themselves. Then why do they need such power?

A vivid example of such chronic evil is crime. Since the first days of independence the leader of Uzbekistan has accepted this challenge. The real step toward supremacy of law was made at that time. The criminal world was dealt a shattering blow.

Other complex problems of the transitional period were solved in time. Life itself has taught us that only accepting a challenge makes victory possible. This is a firm vital position, open political and human will of the President. For over the historically short time the people had an opportunity to discern what the leader considered important, particularly in politics and national economy, the political strategy he pursued.

These questions should be answered. And answers were given without intermediaries, directly, briefly and clearly - by conceptual development of a strategy of the Uzbek model of development consisting of five principles, which took into account historical and spiritual traditions and the character of the people.

It is known that any program begins with a designation of main objectives. State programs begin with objectives which are able to unite the people, all citizens. In order to make the program work, it must conceptually stick together all components of state policy (economic, political, spiritual, foreign, etc.), and have a unified state platform.

For a citizen of independent Uzbekistan the moral foundations can be found in the family and makes up the core of patriotism. Without it, it is impossible to agree about anything and Uzbekistan should forget national dignity and even national sovereignty.

It was the starting point. The task of the leader lied in inclining the society to important strategic objectives, adjusting everything, assisting people to believe in their own abilities. Only thus the unified command spirit is formed, only thus the victory is achieved.

The head of state well understood it and therefore has openly recognized root problems of national revival, has precisely set priorities, and then lead Uzbekistan to become a new civilization.

Thus on its path of transition from one quality to another Uzbekistan has selected itself a leader, which was necessary at that time.

His epoch-making feature, first of all, is tied with his realism, charismatic personality, and rationalism. He is considered a Titan of mind because he has managed to develop a program of strategic development of the country ensuring its great future. He is viewed as a pragmatist-reformer because his new ideas of the Uzbek model of development fully meeting the interests of free people and independent society. His reform-minded charisma is based not only on ideas, but most of all - on its realization in practice.

As a restless character, he is always searching for the best for his Uzbekistan. Oliy Majlis adopted the Law on the establishment of a bicameral parliament in Uzbekistan on Mr. Karimov’s initiative.

He insisted on the reform and liberalization of the court and legal system. He is breaking the apparatus of violence and repression inherited from the Soviet power, trying to make it humane, and creating power wielding structures for the protection the people.

He does not hinder work of human rights organizations even if they are not always objective let alone loyal to him.

Modernization of the Armed Forces, the border and internal troops, capable of protecting the territorial integrity and safety of borders of the country, has started on the initiative of Mr. Islam Karimov.

He views the youth with a different approach and great hope. He sees the continuation of his work in them, and attaches primary importance to education of youth from the first days of his presidency. Attention, supported by concrete action. Hundreds of new lyceums and colleges are built around the country. Targeted policies stem from his ideas, that it is easier to retrofit a factory than change the approach of people who work at this factory. He knows that only too well - he started off as a foreman, a line manager and a chief engineer of a large enterprise.

What else? Despite the arguments of his critics he insists on a true multi-party system that has to be politically dominant and a guarantee of the irrevocable character of democratic reforms in Uzbekistan. He has repeatedly said that one has to lean upon resilient things. On the other hand, he cannot stand demagogues of any kind and practitioners of populism who play on human emotions but cannot think in concrete categories.

There is no doubt that Mr. Islam Karimov is neither a refined nor a career democrat. He is a politician acting in the harsh realities of a contemporary world in a state of flux, one who combines rare intuition with education, pragmatism, and effectiveness. These qualities, necessary for a leader of this rank, assist him to pursue his objective - to achieve a better life for his nation and homeland - an independent Uzbekistan.

There were many tempting ideas in the history of mankind and in rare cases it was possible to realize them in practice. Such vocation was given to leaders with extreme ability. Only great epoch-making leaders are able to scale prospective ideas illuminating a way to civilization, to the future.

The President of Uzbekistan is considered such a figure by right. These are the reasons why. First, ensuring independence to the people, as the Head of State he has chosen own way to the sovereignty for Uzbekistan, has developed famous, universally recognized five principles of the Uzbek model of development as an integral concept of strategy for national revival. These principles created a base for independent development on the basis of whichreforms were carried out and continue to be realized.

Secondly, priorities for further deepening of reforms were determined on the basis of these important principles, and leaning on achievements and popular support of the people for reforms. The liberalization of all spheres of the society was determined as a priority.

Thirdly, a strategy consisting of seven priorities and directed on overcoming new problems and tasks was given as an answer to these challenges. Objectives and tasks of this idea are to lift up reforms in democratization and modernization of the country and society on a qualitatively new level by maintaining their continuity and consistency, transparency and predictability.

Thus the newest ideas of political philosophy of the first president became a theoretical basis for the strategy of independent Uzbekistan from being a strong state to a strong civil society.

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