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Sports 12/02/2016 President holds session of Board of Trustees of Fund for development of children’s sports
President holds session of Board of Trustees of Fund for development of children’s sports
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- President Islam Karimov participated in a session of the Board of Trustees of the Fund for development of children’s sports of Uzbekistan on 11 February 2016.

- We with high hopes and noble purposes established the Fund of children’s sports in 2002, - said Islam Karimov. 14 years have passed since then. From this point of view would be appropriate, if we analyze the work done not only in 2015, but also, to some extent, during the entire period. That is, you should talk about what we have achieved by organizing a special Fund for development of children’s sports, raise it to the level of state policy, to what extent we have implemented our goals, about what, respectively, we should draw conclusions.

First, we all know that the main objective of this Fund we have identified a communion of our children from their early childhood, the younger generation to the sport, the awakening of interest and love for sports, the education of the younger generation as physically and spiritually healthy and comprehensively advanced individuals. We have set a goal: let our boys and girls since their childhood, starting from school years, consider sport as a constant companion in life, for sport would become a real friend for the whole life, and to achieve all this – to create all conditions and opportunities.

The meeting based on concrete figures and examples discussed the results achieved in our country in this direction.

In particular, if in 2005 only 30% of children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years, including in rural areas – 29% were engaged in sports, in 2015, these figures amounted to 57.2% and 56% respectively. It vividly demonstrates how tremendous growth we have achieved in this direction.

Secondly, as the result of targeted work aimed at the development of children’s sports, the types of sports our children are engaged is dramatically extending. For example, if the children of this age in 2005 attended classes in 43 types of sports, at the present time this figure reached 59, which reflects a significant growth not only quantitative but also qualitative success in this area.

The fact that our children who regularly engage in such new sports as artistic gymnastics, swimming, synchronized swimming, tennis, taekwondo, judo, karate, water polo, rowing, take part in prestigious competitions of continental and world scales, climb to the highest step of the podium, gives each of us a special joy and admiration, said the President of our country.

Previously, we could not even dream about such modern swimming pools, tennis courts or gym halls which operate in our country today. For example, previously, talking about swimming, we imagined only swimming in the ditches or channels which do not meet elementary sanitary requirements. As a result, cases of serious illnesses rose among the population, especially children. Uzbekistan among the republics of the former Soviet Union was among the first on maternal and child mortality, which is well known from our recent history.

Because of this very difficult situation that we have inherited from the colonial system, in 2000 for every 100 thousand children about 6 thousand suffered from acute respiratory viral infections, 576 - pneumonia, 449 - bronchitis, 310 - scoliosis.

As a result, we carried out extensive work on the progressive realization of economic, social, domestic, medical and other measures, the systematic development of children’s sports.The incidence of acute respiratory viral infections among children aged 6-15 years, involved in sports decreased by 47.3%, pneumonia - 55.6%, bronchitis - 61.7%, scoliosis - 45.5%. All these figures please us all as we have achieved an important result, Islam Karimov said.

Thirdly, it is also necessary to highlight our efforts on attracting girls to sport. The indicators in 2005 were 24%, including in rural areas 22%. It is gratifying that today 47% of girls, including 44.7% in rural areas regularly engage in sports.

If to consider these figures across regions, in 2015, the number girls engaged in sports in Fergana region was 47.6%, in Namangan region – 47.5%, Samarkand and Khorezm regions – 47.4%, which surely deserves special attention.

We must further continue this work, said the President of our country. Looking at girls, we see expectant mothers who will give life and will educate future generations – the hope and support of our people. That is, if a girl will be healthy and happy, the family she will build in the future, as well as her child would also be healthy and happy. Healthy and happy family leads to prosperous and healthy society. We should never forget about it.

We paid particular attention to the training of women coaches, adopted special regulations, in order to raise the interest of girls in sports, promote sports among them. All of these measures are yielding results today, said the head of state. Earlier it was very difficult to find mentors in the field of sports. In rural areas, it was even impossible.

With all this in mind, a new, effective system of motivation of highly qualified sports coaches, including female coaches had been implemented in our country, and now it is yielding its results. The fact that the number of coaches and sports mentors in 2015 compared with 2005 has increased by 1.5 times, including women-trainers – by 3.8 times is a bright evidence of our achievements.

Fourthly, a noble work aimed at ensuring the future of our children also finds its practical incarnation in the physical growth and development of the younger generation, Islam Karimov said. For example, the share of boys aged 14 years, whose rates of growth satisfy the standards of the World Health Organization currently in Tashkent is 97.9%, in Namangan region – 97.6%, Kashkadarya region – 97.1%, Bukhara region - 96.8%, across the whole country - 94.2%. In other words, the height of our boys and girls at the age of 14 over the last ten years on average has increased by 2.8 centimeters.

Another important result accomplished in this direction can be seen in the fact that the number of boys fits for military service, with 63.4% in 2000, rose to 86.3% in 2015, height in this period increased by 5.9 centimeters and averaged 171.7 cm, the weight went up from 6.2 kg. to an average of 67.8 kg.

Fifthly, it is obvious that regular engagement in sports form a healthy worldview in our children, strengthen their will, create a solid basis for the formation of their masculine personalities, able to bravely overcome various challenges and difficulties. The most important thing that sports-minded children will not succumb to the negative effects of alien to our mentality’s destructive ideas, Islam Karimov said.

Currently, our youth waste their meaningful free time in modern football fields built in towns and villages. Such work is yielding results. Our life, consciousness, the attitude towards ourselves, our health, future are changing, and the role of sport in this process along with many other positive factors is great, said the President of our country.

Sixth, not a secret for anyone that sport along with the promotion of health is also a huge factor in the glorification of any country, any state in the world. Achieved by our sportsmen in international competitions successes and victories awaken in our hearts feelings of pride and admiration, even stronger love for the Motherland.

Our ancient history, rich culture had many great thinkers, invincible commanders, palvans, and we are very proud of them today. Our youth today as a worthy successor to such great ancestors reaches high heights in all spheres, including in sports, rises on the highest step of the podium in the world, increases the sense of pride and honor of our people.

Our talented athletes for their great victories on the international arenas again and again are showing that the youth of Uzbekistan inferior to anyone in no way.

When it comes to this, it is enough to cite the following facts: last year alone 1668 of our athletes, including 567 girls participated in 165 international competitions, won 983 medals, young talents – the talented musicians and performers won 137 prize-winning places and 76 of them were awarded the Grand Prix and first places at prestigious international competitions.

Our children, who reach such lofty goals, I consider as worthy representatives of millions of young men and women of Uzbekistan. Such youth is an example for thousands and thousands of peers, encourages them to achieve big goals, said the head of state.

Islam Karimov emphasized that in the process of manufacturing sports equipment and sportswear it is necessary to pay attention to the quality, convenience, and its compliance with international standards. It is also important to establish the issuance of licenses for the manufacture of sports stock, develop a competitive environment in this sphere.

The head of state particularly noted the need for a more extensive attraction of girls to physical education and sport, creation of favorable conditions for them in swimming pools, improving the activity of the women’s committees.

Seventh, the role of music education, introduction to art, in line with the sport are of great importance in the formation of physically healthy and harmoniously developed personalities. If the physical culture and sport bring up the will of man, strengthen his health, music gives him spiritual food, enriches the inner world, forms the most delicate feelings.

No doubt, a person who loves music is far from evil and ignorance. Therefore, along with the construction of children’s sports facilities as a priority, we also should attach great importance to the construction of children’s schools of music and art.

If to analyze the preliminary results of our work on the example of rural areas of the country, it becomes obvious that we have implemented noteworthy significant work, Islam Karimov said.

Currently, 157 rural areas have 191 children’s schools of music and art built.

We are all glad that such institutions, built on a completely new basis serve to the formation of independently thinking young generation who have mastered modern knowledge and professions, who will build a great future of Uzbekistan due to its tremendous creative and intellectual potential.

The nation who educates such youth, who have set before itself these great goals, will never deviate from chosen path, and will definitely achieve these objectives, said the President of our country.

The announcement of the year 2016 as the year of a healthy mother and child is widely supported by all people.

In this sense, it is no exaggeration to say that this year will mark a new phase in the activities of the Fund for development of children’s sports.

The sport is most important and strong factor in the education of harmoniously developed generation and continues to be so. Sport is, first and foremost, a healthy generation, healthy future. Only healthy people, healthy nation are capable to great accomplishments, Islam Karimov said.

Enhancing the role of physical education and sport in forming a healthy generation, further strengthening on the basis of international standards available in this direction the material-technical base and personnel potential, and most importantly, the inclusion of every child and every family to the sport should remain one of our most important tasks, said the head of state.

The meeting reviewed the work done and identified the challenges ahead over the next 5 years, in particular, building schools of the highest sports skill throughout the Republic.

On the issues discussed the participants heard the information of the first Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Minister of Finance R. Azimov, the Deputy Prime Minister B. Zokirov, Deputy Minister of Public Education, Executive Director of the Fund for development of children’s sport E. Iskandarov, the heads of ministries and departments, the khokims of the regions.

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