The presentation will be dedicated to 2,200 years of Tashkent. The meeting will be held under patronage of the Ministry of Culture and Representative Office of Uzbekistan in. Tashkent’s week in UNESCO will complete by ceremonial concert of art masters and folklore collectives of Uzbekistan.
Earlier such a presentation was held in European representation of UNESCO in Geneva. This meeting was held under patronage of the fund Forum of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan.
The celebrations of 2,200 years of Tashkent will be held in May upon the decision of the 34-th session of UNESCO’s General Conference, the Ministry of Culture said. The Uzbek President Islam Karimov signed the special decree on Tashkent’s jubilee in April 2008.
The document adopted plan of actions on reconstruction of historical monuments in Tashkent, its accomplishment, construction of new modern objects and development of social infrastructure.
The international scientific conference Role of Tashkent in the World Civilization was planned to be held within the jubilee. Uzbek authorities intend to draw famous foreign scientists and specialists for participation in the conference.