Chilanzar district Council of Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and its primary party organizations are conducting necessary works in this direction.
The party said that Chilanzar district Council of the UzLiDeP and its primary party organizations organized over 43 events for various events in 2009, which was organized by about 1,200 people. This year, the Council organized 90 roundtables, open dialogues, seminars and trainings, which were attended by over 2,500 people.
The party added that at the same time, the council improved its activities as interest of people to the party is growing.
The activists of the party underlined that it is vital to carry out detailed preparation to the event and use information-communication technologies.
The main goal of all these is to increase number of members of the party, achieve positive results in promotion goals and tasks of the party to ensure successful participation in the parliamentary elections.