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Uzbekistan 05/11/2014 People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan holds its congress
People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan holds its congress
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- Tashkent hosted the Eighth Congress of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan on 5 November 2014. About 150 delegates from all regions of Uzbekistan participated in the congress.

At the Congress, the participants considered reports of the Central Council of the PDPU, the PDPU faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan and the Central Auditing Commission of the Party. The Congress has formed the central management and control bodies of the party.

Chairman of the Central Council of the PDPU Hatamzhon Ketmonov made a speech at the Congress on the theme: "The Tasks of the active participation of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city councils of people’s deputies."

At the Congress noted that the results achieved on the way to further democratization and renewal of society, increased self-awareness, social and political literacy and outlook of population, sets the significant tasks for PDPU in the field of further deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society.

The Congress considered the results of activities in last five years, implementation of the objectives programme of the Party and strengthening the party’s image in society.

Delegates emphasized the need to actively assist in achieving the objectives of deepening in the Republic of Uzbekistan of democratic reforms, formation of a socially oriented market economy, security and stability in our country for all its citizens.

It was also noted that a key political priority in economic policy for the People’s Democratic Party should be to improve the social effectiveness of economic reforms through conducting in the interests of the majority of the population a strong social policy.

It was underlined that People’s Democratic Party defends the interests of people who are in need of targeted social protection and social support from the state and society. These are - hiring workers who do not have professional qualifications, constant work and solid earnings; unoccupied in the economy working-age population, people who experience difficulty in finding employment; people with disabilities, seniors, low-income families, as well as those who need to receive material assistance, social benefits and other forms of targeted social protection.

It stressed that in dealing with social problems related with the interests and needs of the people, the party will continue support those, who are interested in harmonious social development and social guarantees in the future.

Congress delegates noted that the party should focus its efforts on providing targeted social protection to able-aged population with decent jobs with good salaries. And in this regard, the party will focus on the issues of creating equal social conditions for young people at the time when they select their profession, education and reliable guarantees of the first job after graduation.

The party will also work on creation of flexible pension system and social benefits to ensure full satisfaction of the vital needs of pensioners, people with disabilities and children without parental care.

The participants suggested to use a variety of effective mechanisms to rapidly identify and address social problems in places, including via conducting systematic monitoring, carried out by regional party organizations.

The party also intends to advocate for further improvement of antimonopoly state regulation to set effective state control over the formation of prices for socially important goods and services, construction of social houses; improve quality and availability of medical services, etc.

At the congress, the party should pay attention to issues, concerning women and young people to develop their active citizenship, participation in the fate of the democratic reforms of our society.

The party will also direct its efforts to implement the programme of jobs, development of medium-term investment programs for the development of production of goods and services along with the regional programs to create jobs and training programs with secondary vocational education and higher education.

Special attention will be also paid to the possibility of production of competitive goods from local raw materials and the services, which are available to provide the necessary resources by the demand of the population.

It was noted that in the interests of the electorate it is necessary to continue work actively on making proposals from the public and Party experts to develop new laws and to further improve the existing legislation. In this regard, the delegates also noted that for the party it is necessary to take an active role in the development of the foundations of regulatory management, involvement of non-profit and other civil society institutions in solving important state social programs in healthcare, environmental protection, employment provision, social support for vulnerable people and other issues of great social importance.

At the VIII Congress the part nominated candidates for MPs of the Legislative Chamber. It was emphasized that the candidates during the election campaign in the districts should use the opportunity of the upcoming meetings with voters, not only to ensure maximum support for the party and specifically for him as for a candidate, but in order to further study existing problems and issues.

The congress adopted new PDPU Election platform and the party Charter. At the end of the Congress the plenary session of the Central Council of the PDPU was held. The event considered organizational issues.

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