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Economy 03/10/2007 EurAsEC countries to set up single customs area - Rapota
Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) countries intend to set up single customs area, as reported on the press conference in Moscow yesterday Grigory Rapota, the Secretary General of the EurAsEC, reports KZ-today correspondent. "Documents establishing single customs area will be signed in Dushanbe on the summit of heads of states on October 6".

Grigory Rapota underlined that establishment of single customs area is a next stage in what the organization does after free trade area creation. As the EurAsEC Secretary General said, "customs union will be first of all set up between Russia, Kazakhstan and Byelorussia". He specified that two packages of documents are prepared and will be signed on presidential and governmental levels. "Now it is under concordance which will be held until the very last moment", - underlined Grigory Rapota. In the whole heads of states should examine 17 questions.

In particular, the following documents will be evaluated: "On establishment of single customs area", "On rules on annexation and withdrawal from the customs union" together with "On establishment of the highest authority of the customs union". "Among other things we worked over the concept of international activities of the organization", - said the Secretary General.

Grigory Rapota also underlined that by now the concept of single transport area is already prepared, the work over the concept of single energy area is being done, in the nearest future the organization will also work out the concept of joint usage of the water area.

Answering on the KZ-today correspondent question if Turkmenistan is interested in the organization, Grigory Rapota stated that "Turkmenistan is interested in cooperation on transport and energy projects realization". "We invite Turkmenistan to take part in every meeting of ours. To cooperate with EurAsEC it is not necessary that you should join", - concluded Grigory Rapota.

He also mentioned that the question of organization enlargement will not be raised on the summit in Dushanbe. "If there is no wish from the side of observing countries. If it is Armenia, there will be no difficulties with joining procedure", - said Grigory Rapota.

At this the Secretary General informed that to participate in EurAsEC meeting the organization invited Collective Security Treaty Organization Secretary General, Shanghai Cooperation Organization Secretary General and OSCE together with Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia representatives. These countries are observers at the organization. Besides, Turkmenistan representatives will be invited to the meeting as well. By now Turkmenistan has a great interest in establishment of single transport system.

EurAsEC was set up by Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

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