Bazar-Art drew the most talented masters and craftsmen from different regions of Uzbekistan who brought tableware with sophisticated floral ornaments and clothes of khan- atlas and Margilan silk, fashionable shoes decorated with oriental ornaments, handmade carpets and souvenirs in oriental style.
The Center for National Arts had no room to turn in because of the influx of visitors who came to admire the skill of Uzbek artisans and to buy souvenirs, and an exhibition located on two floors reminded of a shopping center on the sale days.
Bazar-Art, one of the joint projects of the Fund “Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan” and IJOD Association of Artists, Art Historians and Craftsmen, is held for the fifth consecutive year and enjoys inevitable success among the people of Uzbekistan and tourists.
The workshops embroidery, ceramics, woodcarving are held within the framework of Bazar-Art, and the permanent members of the project who distinguished themselves with talented works are awarded with diplomas and prizes. Next Bazar-Art will be held in Tashkent in the fall.