Aggregate capital of the bank reached 8.2 billion soums. Assets profitability made up 4% in annual calculations and capital profitability comprised 36.7%.
Charter capital of InFinBank was announced at the level of 10 billion soums in October. The bank now is preparing third emission of shares for 4 billion soums.
The clientele base of the bank made up 1,500 companies and enterprises. Over 7,000 individuals also use services of InFinBank.
From September, InFinBank started to issue own soum plastic cards and carries out all operations in DUET systems. As of 1 November 2009, the bank emitted 1,500 banking cards and 70 corporate cards.
InFinBank is expanding its infrastructure and now it has seven mini-banks. The bank plans to open another branch in Sergili district of Tashkent city this year.