What has encouraged or made leaders of various countries of the world to attend the conference in The Hague and support security and ways to improve security in Afghanistan is the fact that if the groups, which are operating in Afghanistan’s southern border regions and endangered the security of Afghanistan by orchestrating attacks from those regions, are not contained in those regions, they will infiltrate the regions beyond the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan, threatening security of various countries.
If one look at the remarks by US President Barack Obama, who said a few days ago that the key reason America was fighting the war in Afghanistan was to ensure security of America and deny Al-Qa’idah the chance to orchestrate attacks on the US interests, it becomes clear that the international community is facing serious threats and may face huge challenges in the future unless it pursues effective and productive strategies to counter the threat.
At the moment insecurity is confined to Afghanistan alone and has also affected Pakistan over the past two years. It is the people of Afghanistan and the residents of the border tribal regions who are suffering insecurity and violence at the moment, but the fact is that insecurity would expand to different parts of the world if a small negligence is made. For instance, insecurity is now plaguing Pakistan which is a good lesson for the rest of the world.
Pakistan’s indifference to the dangers and threats caused by its policy of allowing Taleban regenerate themselves using safe havens in Pakistan has now made the groups with similar ideology to Afghan Taleban such as Pakistani Taleban and others to be described as a serious danger to the Pakistan government itself. What has made the groups in Pakistan, which have similar ideology to Taleban and Al-Qa’idah, become strong is the fact that the Pakistan government was thinking that the terrorist groups would not stop abiding by the Pakistan military intelligence agency inside Pakistan territory and would organise their activities in line with the approach of this agency. But this wrong optimism made Pakistan face a difficult condition now, because part of northern regions of the country has now turned into the most important haven for Al-Qa’idah network and the groups having similar ideology and approach to it.
On the other hand, the deadly attacks in Mumbai of last year showed that it is very easy for terrorist groups to orchestrate deadly attacks that could disrupt security of a country. This issue has made India to be counted as part of the countries in which the threat posed by terrorist groups is on the rise. It was also seen that the strategy announced by US President Barack Obama [for Afghanistan and Pakistan] has described India as a country where threat posed by terrorists is on the rise.
On the other hand, some Uzbek members of Al-Qa’idah network in Waziristan [of Pakistan] has recently established a separate organisation led by a former Russian military officer and has openly said it has influence and can carry out operations in the central Asian countries. Although these threats are not counted as serious for the Central Asian countries at the moment, they will create a potential and serious danger for the central Asian countries if they are not suppressed in the border tribal regions of Pakistan and if they hold way in Afghanistan by strengthening the Taleban.
What can be a matter of concern here for Russia is the close relation between these networks and the extremist Chechen groups that could also endanger Russia’s internal security. These networks can meanwhile influence parts of China’s north-western regions.
Among this, Iran can also not remain unaffected from this condition in the region. The Jondollah group has made parts of southeastern regions of Iran victim to worrying developments for the Iranian government. Reports released recently have quoted Iranians as saying that the Jondollah group is penetrating Iran using Pakistan’s soil.
One should remember that as it has been part of Al-Qa’idah’s main policy to coordinate and lead anti-government extremist groups, there is a chance that the Jondollah group in southeastern Iran, extremist groups of Taleban in Afghanistan and similar Pakistani and central Asian groups would join hand and reach a deal. Therefore, if such an agreement is reached without any serious pressure being applied on these groups, Iran’s eastern and southeastern regions will face serious security problems.